

A safe space

Description of the project

The infrastructure and educational buildings of the Karazin University were seriously damaged as a result of enemy rocket attacks and bombings.

High-quality preservation of damaged buildings and their proper preparation for the winter period is a priority task, which will prevent deterioration of structures and further destruction. Proper conservation of working areas will help speed up the reconstruction of destroyed buildings after the Victory.

In the difficult times of war, the university remains a full-fledged working and scientific-educational space that needs systematic adaptation to the new conditions of life.

Faculties whose educational buildings were destroyed will be transferred to the central buildings of the university, which currently requires additional furnishing of premises, installation of necessary equipment, purchase of additional equipment, and quality preparation for work in the winter period. An equally urgent issue is the arrangement of a reliable bomb shelter and an effective warning system. This will help protect the lives of employees and create a safe space for full university work and study.

Funds are raised for:

    support for repair work in shelters for students, faculty, and staff;

    providing shelters with places to sit (lie down), drinking water tanks, portable containers, emergency lighting, etc.;

    updating and maintaining university-wide notification systems and communication between shelters and civil defense headquarters.

500 mln UAH | 3 years

In case of non-implementation of the project, the funds will be accumulated and spent on the needs of the university, according to their appeals. All funds are charitable contributions: non-refundable.